The most important electronic in your home is your smoke alarm! Did you know the risk of dying in a home fire is cut in half simply by having a working smoke alarm? Here are some resources to help you get started with installing or testing your home smoke alarms.

Ideally your home should have 1 smoke alarm in every bedroom and one smoke alarm on every level of the structure, including the basement. Check out this helpful graphic for the best locations!

Smoke Alarm Tips

Here are some helpful tips for installing and testing your smoke alarms:

  • Choose interconnected smoke alarms, so when one sounds, they all sound.

    Reminder: Electric wired smoke detectors in residences have battery back-ups​ 

  • Put smoke alarms inside and outside each bedroom and sleeping area. Put alarms on every level of the home. 

  • Make sure your smoke alarms work. Your family is not safe if they can’t hear the smoke alarms. 

  • Test smoke alarms every month and replace 9-volt smoke alarm batteries at least once every year. 

  • Smoke alarms do not last forever. Get new smoke alarms every 10 years. 

  • When you hear a smoke alarm, you may have less than 2 minutes to get everyone outside and safe.

If an alarm “chirps,” warning that the battery is low, replace the battery right away. If the device still chirps after replacing the batteries, use compressed air to blow out the detector. Dust particles and debris can lead to false alarms.